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GameStop Set To Close 300 More Stores This Year
送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-09-10 20:40 已读 846 次  


In a recent investor call, GameStop announced that it will close around 
100 more stores than previously planned, increasing the number of store
closures to between 400 and 450.In the previous earnings call,
GameStop said it planned to close around 300 stores, but that number has
increased since the March investor brief. GameStop CFO Jim Bell hinted
that store closures will continue into 2021. 6park.com

GameStop saw online
sales increase by 800%, but even this was less than analyst
expectations. GameStop was also impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic which
saw stores close temporarily across the United States. 6park.com

company has pinned its financial recovery on sales for next-gen consoles
and online sales. There were plans for themed stores, but the pandemic
has undoubtedly affected any plans to revitalize the physical

GameStop is set to permanently close 300 more stores in the coming year. 6park.com

news arrived in an earnings call conducted by the company, which shed
light on GameStop's financial situation. It was revealed that the
company "plans to meet or exceed" the number of closures that occurred
in the previous fiscal year, which saw 321 shops close their doors. The
retailer currently has 5,500 operational stores across the US. 6park.com

In the earnings call, the company touched on the huge financial
uncertainty caused by the ongoing pandemic, but noted that the COVID-19
crisis has led to a 2% increase in sales in recent months. 6park.com

turned a profit in the fourth quarter and saw a decrease in its net
loss for the full fiscal year, from $673 million to $470.9 million this
year. 6park.com

The earnings call also mentioned GameInformer, GameStop's media outlet
that suffered layoffs in 2019. GameStop plans to build value in the
brand through "interactive digital media," but the retailer didn't go
into any further detail about their plans. 6park.com

In other GameStop news, the company decided to close its stores in accordance with CDC guidelines after coming under fire for deeming its outlets as "essential" business and keeping the doors open during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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