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RTX 3090 is ready for Pre-order at B&H
送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-09-10 20:36 已读 3052 次  


https://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/1592970-REG/zotac_zt_a30900d_10p_gaming_geforce_rtx_3090.html?SID=tomshardware-us-5300432099944515000 6park.com

Zotac RTX 3090 Trinity Listed on B&H Photo for $1,499.99

Something to look forward to: The Founders Editions
of Nvidia’s Ampere cards will be here soon, and while plenty of
consumers are poised to snap one up asap, some prefer to wait for
third-party cards from AIB partners. Thanks to a German website, we now
have an idea of how much they will cost.

Nvidia launches the $699 RTX 3080
on September 17 with the $1,499 RTX 3090 following a week later on
September 24. If you’re eyeing an aftermarket card with their
overclocked GPUs and memory, better components, and improved cooling
solutions—an important element when it comes to Ampere—German retail
site Caseking.de has listed several models. 6park.com

Thanks to a tweet from prolific leaker @momomo_us, we know the price
for a number of SKUs from Gigabyte, Asus, Zotac INNO3D, PNY, Asus, and
INNO3D. 6park.com

Tom's Hardware
helpfully converted the prices from Euros to US dollars. In Europe, the
RTX 3080 Founders Edition costs $710, while the RTX 3090 is $1531. 6park.com

Caseking.de prices for RTX 3080 and RTX 3090 cards


Make & Model

Zotac GAMING RTX 3090 Trinity

Zotac GAMING RTX 3080 Trinity

Gigabyte RTX 3080 Gaming OC

Gigabyte RTX 3080 Eagle OC

Gigabyte RTX 3090 Gaming OC

Gigabyte RTX 3090 Eagle OC

INNO3D RTX 3080 iChill X4

INNO3D RTX 3080 iChill X3

INNO3D RTX 3080 Twin X2

INNO3D RTX 3090 iChill X4

INNO3D RTX 3090 Gaming X3

INNO3D RTX 3090 iChill X3



Asus RTX 3090 TUF Gaming

Asus RTX 3080 ROG Strix

Asus RTX 3080 TUF Gaming

Asus RTX 3090 ROG Strix


Note that none of the cards, even the lower-end models, are cheaper
than the Founders Editions, likely due to their size and powerful
cooling systems. Asus’ high-end ROG Strix 3090 is an eye-watering
$1,699.51, around $170 more than the Founders Edition in Europe. 6park.com

No word on when these cards will arrive, but we shouldn’t have too
long to wait. There’s no sign of the RTX 3070, which releases in October
priced at $499. 6park.com

Nvidia recently boasted that the RTX 3080 would be able to hit over 100 fps
in many top titles at 4K with max settings and RTX on. AMD, not wanting
to be forgotten, is reminding people that Big Navi is on the way with a
Radeon 6000 Easter egg in Fortnite. We've also heard that team red might release a 16GB model that undercuts the RTX 3080.

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