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送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-09-08 21:26 已读 1211 次  


Tesla is looking to hire people to develop video games for the company. 

The electric vehicle manufacturer added job listings on its website for engineers specializing in video game software that would probably end up in its range of EVs. 

Tesla cars have a large touch-screen display that owners and passengers can use to play video games when the vehicle is parked. The gaming offerings have been from other companies such as Atari. 

The job listings suggest Tesla is looking to develop its own games. Outside Austin, Texas, where Tesla is building a plant, the automaker seeks a video game engineer to work on infotainment software. 

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"You will be responsible for the look and feel of the play experience, architecture, and whatever else is needed to create fun. You will need to collaborate with our top-notch design team and back end developers to help create this platform," the job listing says. 

USA TODAY was unable to reach a Tesla representative for comment on video game development. 

The company is also hiring a full-time gaming engineer in Bellevue, Washington, and a rendering engineer in Palo Alto, California, "to help us advance the software infotainment system in our cars."

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