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2020 Game Awards还将举行,在网上
送交者: 千牛卫[★★无眠的人★★] 于 2020-08-24 12:03 已读 622 次  


大意,一年一度的Games Awards还是会如期举办,主创人Geoff接受采访时说,本周的科隆游戏展就是一个例子,看看我们怎么举办虚拟的晚会。很多环节可能会预先录制,但今年,缺少了门票收入,我们会想办法来征服观众。 6park.com

经过了相对沉寂和压抑的上半年,今年下半年的游戏界还是有很多佳作的,2020年是一个特殊的年份,相信今年评出的Game of Year更是要通过一大堆宅在家里的玩家心中普遍的认同。 6park.com

Geoff Keighley has revealed that the 2020 Game Awards is still happening, but it will be available online, and it is poised to be the biggest Game Awards yet.

IGN's Ryan McCaffrey sat down with Keighley to discuss The Game Awards in the latest episode of IGN Unfiltered (the full episode drops tomorrow), along with details on Keighley's storied history with awards shows, his thoughts on the PS5 and Xbox Series X, the cancellation of E3, his famous friendship with Hideo Kojima, and much, much more. 6park.com

"We are obviously not going to have 10,000 people in a room together, physically, for the show, but I think... you'll see a little bit of this with how we do GamesCom. We're definitely doing more than just me in a room, announcing winners. I'm really passionate about [still] doing the show live, versus something pre-recorded. So, yeah, we're working on some scenarios for ways we can present the show live with a bit of spectacle to people... without the public [being] able to buy tickets to come to the show, and things like that, this year.

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