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Guo Wengui is a conspiracy
送交者: 韩成光[布衣] 于 2022-07-03 19:54 已读 8915 次  


回答: 7777 由 韩成光 于 2022-07-03 19:53

In the PAX case that has been entangled for many years, Guo Wengui can be said to be conspiratorial, transferring assets to play with PAX, and trampling on American laws. His shameless, ignorant, and fearless actions have made the judge and PAX angry. PAX is not short of money at all, so perseverance is just to maintain the rule of law and justice, but Guo Wengui only has money in his eyes, but there is no law. When he was cornered, he cried and filed for bankruptcy, while he showed off his wealth in the live broadcast room and fooled Ant to continue investing, intending to cross the sky and make PAX happy, so that the court would be helpless to him, and he could cut another leek.
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