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Sunrise Tells the Story & 方言脱口秀
送交者: 老地雷[♀★★四星将军★★♀] 于 2021-09-10 14:00 已读 24816 次 9 赞  



这首歌的歌词写得太有水平了…..含蓄美….. 祝大家周末愉快!


Sunrise Tells The Story (Cover Midland)

Release date: 7/1/2021

学唱:老地雷 (这是今天新鲜出炉的,9/10/21)


There's a half cigarette swimming in red wine The record still spinning the scene of the crime It's looking like a tornado 'bout to come crashing through the door Can't say what happened, but one thing's for sure

The moon saw it all through a thin piece of glass And the stars must have blushed when you kissed me like that We can't hide the evidence It's scattered everywhere in all its naked glory The night knows the truth The sunrise tells the story

Oh, the last I recall it was a quarter 'til two We headed back to my place like two strangers do And who would've thought that we'd end up all tangled up together The night was a witness to our sweet surrender

And the moon saw it all through a thin piece of glass And the stars must have blushed when you kissed me like that We can't hide the evidence It's scattered everywhere in all its naked glory The night knows the truth The sunrise tells the story Yeah, yeah, yeah Mmhm

Is it a book or a chapter, a few words on a page? Don't know where it's going, I just want you to stay

And the moon saw it all through a thin piece of glass And the stars must have blushed when you kissed me like that We can't hide the evidence It's scattered everywhere in all its naked glory The night knows the truth But the sunrise tells the story Oh, the night knows the truth The sunrise, mm tells the story Mm

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Aaron Raitiere / Jess Carson / Jessi Alexander

Sunrise Tells The Story lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc 6park.com

最近一个月学讲了方言(蓝鲸=南京)脱口秀,弄两个视频给大家周末乐乐。据反映笑果还不错。两个视频都不长,5分钟左右。才开始练习出镜讲脱口秀,节奏(尤其是第一个视频)掌握得不是最好。 6park.com



贴主:老地雷于2021_09_10 14:04:57编辑 6park.com

贴主:老地雷于2021_09_10 14:05:38编辑
贴主:老地雷于2021_09_10 14:05:58编辑
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