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【牛新歌会】吉他弹唱《Red River Valley》
送交者: 老地雷[♀★★四星将军★★♀] 于 2021-01-21 1:34 已读 6399 次 12 赞  


新年第一贴,赶上牛活动,太好啦!祝大家牛年里一切如意! 6park.com

Red River Valley 

Songwriters: Traditional / Milner Edward Cecil


From this valley they say you are going 

We will miss your bright eyes and sweet smile 

For they say you are taking the sunshine 

Which has bright en'd our pathway a while  

Come sit by my side if you love me 

Do not hasten to bid me adieu 

But remember the Red River valley 

And the one who has loved you so true 

Won't you think of the valley you are leaving 

Oh how longly how sad it will be 

Oh think of the fond heart you're breaking 

And the grief you are causing to me 

Come sit by my side if you love me 

Do not hasten to bid me adieu 

But remember the Red River valley 

And the one who has loved you so true 6park.com

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