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2020-Year of the Rat (English)
送交者: 老地雷[♀★★四星将军★★♀] 于 2020-12-27 23:49 已读 7000 次 7 赞  


2020-Year of the Rat 

Music & Words: @LenachenUSA (老地雷)  & Anthony Postman

Vocals:  @LenachenUSA (老地雷)



This is the year of the rat,

Everything has almost crashed, 

COVID-19 is everywhere,

A million lives sadly lost.



This is the year of the rat,

Climate’s changing fast, 

The East had hurricanes and floods, 

The West is having storms and fires.  



Twenty twenty, ain’t no money,

Out of order, it ain’t funny, 

Twenty twenty, no more old hat, 

Twenty Twenty,  

Please fly, fly fly fly fly fast. 



This is the year of the rat (Year of the rat),

Nothing to do with bats (Year of the rat),   

Animals sneaky on the street (ah, ah), 

While human stay indoors and weep (Year of the rat). 



This is the year of the rat (Year of the rat), 

Ain’t goin’ to movie theaters (Year of the rat), 

Ain’t goin’ to church and pray (ah, ah), 

Ain’t goin without a mask (Year of the rat). 





Twenty twenty, ain’t no money,

Out of order, it ain’t funny, 

Twenty twenty, no more old hat, 

Twenty Twenty,  Please fly, fly fly fly fly fast. 





This is the year of the rat (Year of the rat), 

World’s in a new format (Year of the ox), 

COVID-19 will go away, 

A life will be back someday (Back to life). 



Leaving the year of the rat (Bye-bye), 

Restaurants someday packed (Year of the ox), 

Parks full of old and young, 

Smiling faces made me drunk (Back to life). 



Twenty twenty, ain’t no money (This is the year of the rat),

Out of order, it ain’t funny (World’s in a new format), 

Twenty twenty, no more old hat (COVID-19 will go away), 

Twenty Twenty,  Please fly, fly fly fly fly fast (A life will be back, life will be back, life will be back someday). 


Twenty twenty, ain’t no money (Leaving the year of the rat),

Out of order, it ain’t funny (Restaurants someday packed) , 

Twenty twenty, no more old hat (Parks full of old and young), 

Twenty Twenty,  Please fly, fly fly fly fly fast (Smiling faces made, smiling faces made, smiling faces made me drunk). 


Please fly, fly fly fly fast (leaving the year of rat). 


Please fly, fly fly fast (leaving the year of rat).  6park.com

Video link:


附上一段我老师最近的新作Shine,他实际上是摇滚和雷鬼歌手 6park.com

贴主:老地雷于2020_12_28 20:23:07编辑
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