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【Summer Snow】-
送交者: 云潇潇[♀★★声望品衔9★★♀] 于 2019-07-18 21:27 已读 7500 次 7 赞  



It's summer snow in the deep blue sea 6park.com

I try to touch, but it fades away 6park.com

It must be a dream I will never get 6park.com

Just like my love that's crying for you 6park.com

If there were something not to change forever 6park.com

We could feel it deep, deep in our heart 6park.com

Today is over with a million tears 6park.com

Still everyone has a wish to live 6park.com

Oh, I do believe ever lasting love 6park.com

And destiny to meet you again 6park.com

I feel a pain I can hardly stand 6park.com

All I can do is loving you 6park.com

It's summer snow in the deep blue sea 6park.com

I try to touch, but it fades away 6park.com

It must be a dream I will never get 6park.com

Just like my love that's crying for you
贴主:云潇潇于2019_07_18 21:30:51编辑

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