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💖🌷【春天之声国际新年音乐会】75号歌 原创音乐日记: 节日快乐。想画阳光的印象派画家
送交者: chuntianle[♀☆★★春天了印象★★☆♀] 于 2021-12-25 17:24 已读 9437 次 13 赞  


谢谢支持我的朋友,特别是不离不弃的朋友。圣诞快乐!新年快乐! 6park.com

歌曲一发表收到来自各个国家的朋友的祝贺,上百条留言和赞。我和意大利朋友结缘了,虽然这首歌不是意大利咏叹调。意大利朋友纷纷给我发来祝贺。其中包括一个搞音乐的意大利朋友,他擅长作曲,吉他,演唱(英语,意大利语)。另一个意大利朋友也给我发信息。 MIA ADORATA AMICA DOLCE DEL MIO CUORE GRAZIE PER IL TUO BELLISSIMO VIDEO E PER LA MERAVIGLIOSA E INCANTEVOLE TUA MUSICA CON MIO CUORE UN CARO SALUTO DALLA SICILIA TV B GIUSEPPE 6park.com

这首歌表达背后的故事是:2019年夏天的一天,我出去散步。 “这么晴朗的一天”,我对自己说。我情不自禁地即兴创作并轻声唱出了一首歌。就是视频里的这首,就像一个想画阳光的印象派画家。我把看到的唱在歌里,阳光,蓝天,白云。视频中的图片是我在某处的大屏幕上画的画,好多人围着我看,以为我是个画家。我觉得它们是抽象和印象的结合。这幅印象抽象派的画(只放了部分),在视频的快结束的部分。在2022之后,牛和老虎之前。3:28秒左右的地方。更多细节在视频的上方的《春天日记》(英文版本)里。 6park.com

话不多说。这是这周的歌。谢谢! 6park.com

《春天之声国际(新年)音乐会》 热烈庆祝《音乐之声》频道成立一周年 12/2020-12/2021 75首歌(since 02/05/2021在春天印象) 热烈庆祝又一朵“圣诞节快乐,新年快乐之花”在春天花园盛开怒放 走向世界 【原创音乐日记】原创四季音乐:夏天的风景画 海外华人的原创音乐在国内/国际上的地位有待提高,前面的路很长 春天花园支持原创,特别是支持有特色的原创音乐 支持华人音乐走向世界。不捆绑手脚,大浪淘沙,继续向前走 chuntianle: 作曲,作词,编曲,钢琴,女高音,咏叹调, 经典艺术歌曲
新歌发布:Chuntianle Impressionism Music: Summer Landscape原创四季音乐:圣诞快乐,新年快乐 - 夏天的风景画 作词:chuntianle 作曲:chuntianle  发布时间:12/25/2021 地点:春天花园《春天印象》节目单在音乐之声!

To My Dear Love. Chuntianle Impressionism Music: Summer Landscape Painting: Reflecting Pool and Garden 6park.com

In the summer of 2019, one day, I went out for a walk. "Such a sunny day", I talked to myself. I couldn't help improvising and singing a song. Just like an impressionist who would like to paint sunlight. I put what I saw in the song, the sunshine, the blue sky, the white cloud. The pictures in the video are the painting I drew on a big screen somewhere. I feel they are the combination of abstract and impression.                              6park.com

I walked along the Reflecting Pool, I saw ducks, some were having naps, swimming, and some were diving in the brilliant pool. I quickly put the movement of the ducks into the music, and started composing and singing. I enjoyed what I saw. I liked the beautiful reflection from the water surface, it made me feel affection.  However, I felt a little sad because it was the end of the summer.  The song I release today is originally from the song I sang that day. I delicate this song to my family, the one I love, and my dear friends. I hope it can bring my love and happiness to you all.  6park.com


【春天了印象】作词/作曲/编曲演唱/文字/制作 chuntianle  74首歌:74 songs since 02/05/2021 in Spring Impression Garden. 【春天之声】【原创四季音乐专辑】- 原创音乐/歌曲 2021年2月5日 -  https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=2209914 2【春天的咏叹调】【音乐专辑】艺术,经典歌曲和其它 https://web.6parkbbs.com/index.php?app=forum&act=view&tid=2208419 6park.com

春天了 Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song, Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music, original song Love Song, Spring Song, spring 春天了印象派, impressionism, 4 seasons, 春天来了,春天 New Power Art Copyright © 2021 chuntianle. All rights reserved.


贴主:chuntianle于2021_12_25 18:26:45编辑
贴主:chuntianle于2021_12_25 18:32:40编辑
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