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胡吼一首 😂 Goodbye - Air Supply
送交者: Melbourne狼[♂☆★红魔之心★☆♂] 于 2020-09-23 0:47 已读 3783 次 9 赞  


大家好久不见,以下带来我的 。。。。。。。。胡吼 
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 
纯属胡吼。。。。哈哈哈。。。。。 6park.com


I can see the pain living in your eyes
And I know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your heart and I sympathize
And I'll never criticize all you've ever meant to my life 6park.com

I don't want to let you down
I don't want to lead you on
I don't want to hold you back
From where you might belong
You would never ask me why
My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to say but good-bye
You deserve the chance at the kind of love
I'm not sure I'm worthy of
Losing you is painful to me 6park.com

My heart is so disguised
I just can't live a lie anymore
I would rather hurt myself
Than to ever make you cry
There's nothing left to try
Though it's gonna hurt us both
There's no other way than to say good-bye

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