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送交者: 蜗牛2008[布政使★★☆] 于 2014-02-23 9:24 已读 422 次 2 赞  


被奥林匹克精神激励,向自己的极限挑战 - 第一次翻唱 R&B. 
Wanting 的这首情歌描述的了一种淋漓尽致的爱,让不禁人心潮澎湃。。。

When minutes become hours When days become years And I don't know where you are Colors seem so dull without you Have we lost our minds What have we done But it all doesn't seem to matter anymore When you kissed me on that street I kissed you back You held me in your arms I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I I'm drenched in your love I'm no longer able to hold it back Is it too late to ask for love Is it wrong to feel right When the world is winding down Thoughts of you linger around Have we lost our minds What have we done But it all doesn't seem to matter anymore When you kissed me on that street I kissed you back You held me in your arms I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I I'm drenched in your love I'm no longer able to hold it back When you kissed me on that street I kissed you back You held me in your arms I held you in mine You picked me up to lay me down When I look into your eyes I can hear you cry for a little bit more of you and I I'm drenched in your love I'm no longer able to hold it back

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