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🧧比较各类微距镜头 纠结买哪个
送交者: yy888[♀★★★★天佑世界★★★★♀] 于 2021-05-25 13:41 已读 13049 次 20 赞  





D版介绍的这个镜头价格不贵,但只有manual focus,摄影最好就是要学会manual focus,但自动对焦是不是还是很有用的。一个镜头如果没有自动对焦,我感到还是有点不方便。

我又看了对这个镜头的测评的油管视频介绍,Sony a6000 - 7Artisans 60mm f2.8 - Best Budget Macro Lens?! ($160)manual focus


看了后我对所拍的照片不算太满意,感觉自己没有冲动买这款。 6park.com

我又看了另个价格便宜的微距镜头,也是160刀左右,也是manual focus,对所拍出的照片感觉也一般。没法动心。
A Quick Review of the VENUS V-DX 60mm f/2.8 2:1 Ultra-Macro Lens


然后看到了这个,价格500刀,这个有自动对焦的功能,Sony FE 50mm f2.8 MACRO

Sony FE 50mm f2.8 MACRO | AMAZING little lens!


从视频里拍的照片看,这个镜头我觉得还是挺满意的,这个价格也是能够接受的。本来觉得我可以定下来了。 6park.com

Sigma 105mm f/2.8 DG Macro HSM OS lens,价格600刀

Sigma 105mm f/2.8 DG Macro HSM OS lens review with samples (Full-frame & APS-C)


这下我不知到底该买sony的还是Sigma的,这两个微距镜头哪个好些呢? 6park.com

下面两张照片是用这个Sigma拍的,我没有微距镜头,只好网上找照片来看看。 6park.com



微距就是能拍成这样的,不知道我该不该去买这样的镜头就为了拍这些,纠结啊纠结。 6park.com

下面是微距镜头的英文介绍,我就不翻了。放在最后也是自己收藏。懂英文的可能也好看看文字解释。哪些做视频的有的时候会为厂家说话,因为镜头是厂家给的。当然有打广告的意思。 6park.com

A normal-length prime with close-focusing capabilities, the FE 50mm f/2.8 Macro Lens from Sony offers an impressive 1:1 maximum magnification, along with a 6.3" minimum focusing distance, for making life-size imagery of close-up subjects. Useful controls, such as a top-printed distance and magnification scale, focus range limiter, and focus hold button, all benefit more precise focusing adjustments for refined results. Complementing the handling capabilities, the optical design also incorporates both an aspherical and an extra-low dispersion element, which work to suppress chromatic and spherical aberrations for increased clarity throughout the focus range. Additionally, the lens sports a dust- and moisture-resistant design to benefit working in inclement weather conditions. 6park.com

Standard prime macro lens is designed for full-frame Sony E-mount mirrorless cameras, and can also be used on APS-C models where it provides a 75mm equivalent focal length.
True macro design affords a life-size, 1:1 magnification ratio along with a 6.3" minimum focusing distance for working with close-up subjects. A focusing distance and magnification scale is also printed on the top of the lens to aid in more technical applications. 6park.com

One extra-low dispersion element is featured in the lens design and helps to reduce chromatic aberrations and color fringing for improved clarity and color neutrality. 6park.com

One aspherical element is incorporated in the lens design to reduce astigmatism, field curvature, coma, and other monochromatic aberrations. 6park.com

A focus range limiter switch allows you constrain the usable focus range between 6.3-11.8", 11.8"-infinity, or full, and a focus hold button is also featured to manually stop the autofocus at a specified point. 6park.com

Dust- and moisture-sealed design better permits working in inclement conditions and rubberized control rings benefit handling in colder temperatures. 6park.com

Rounded seven-blade diaphragm contributes to a pleasing bokeh quality when employing selective focus techniques.

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