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Dr. Wood谈中国科学家制造“基因编辑婴儿”
送交者: WoodGen5[♂☆品衔R3☆♂] 于 2020-05-25 0:27 已读 3192 次  


近日,一场关于“基因”的话题席卷了国内几乎各大媒体,这个向来对民众来说“不明觉厉”的领域,这次却因为牵涉“制造婴儿”的伦理思考,被推上舆论的风口浪尖,引发大量关注和讨论。 6park.com


基因决定着人类的繁衍生息和发展,与人类的生育息息相关。辅助生殖治疗可以说是对基因技术的运用最为广泛的领域之一。作为世界上第一位“克隆自己”的基因科学家、Gen 5 生殖医学中心创办者——Dr. Wood,同样关注了本次“基因编辑婴儿”的消息,我们就此次事件对Dr. Wood 6park.com

进行了简单的采访。 6park.com

Samuel H. Wood 6park.com

Gen5 生殖医疗中心创始人兼医学主任 6park.com

Stemagen首席执行官 6park.com

Progenesis Inc.首席科学家 6park.com

生殖内分泌学专家 6park.com

Q1 6park.com

作为一位基因学领域的学者,请问您对此次中国科学家制造“基因编辑婴儿”的行为有什么看法? 6park.com

I have read the news reports regarding the use of CRISPR technologies on the early embryos that became two girls with great interest. It is my hope that if this procedure was performed as the scientist suggests that it will cause no harm to the girls involved. 6park.com

译文: 6park.com

我第一时间关注了借助编辑基因工具CRISPR对早期囊胚进行修改,从而使双胞胎姐妹拥有免疫艾滋病基因的报道。我真心希望这项科学领域的突破并未对双胞胎姐妹造成任何伤害。 6park.com

Q2 6park.com

很多学者把此举称为“打开了潘多拉的魔盒”,“基因编辑”对人类来说究竟有什么危害? 6park.com

While gene editing will almost certainly be an important tool in the future, we must be very careful in determining how and when to use this technique while it is still being improved so that it can be used safely. At present, it is quite simple to use readily available scientific kits to perform this type of research. Before using any technique, one must first ask if it is necessary. In the present case, it may not have been. There are several other ways to minimize the risk of a baby being infected with HIV that are quite effective. 6park.com

译文: 6park.com

当编辑基因成为未来之趋,我们更需要严谨慎微,在保证社会秩序安全性的前提下决定研究的开展和用武之地。现如今,应用已经成熟的科学去做类似的实验不难,但难于人类的自制与自问:有没有必要?是不是唯一方案?显然,在编辑婴儿的案件里,有过为之嫌,因为世界上已有其他有效防御阻断婴儿感染HIV 的途径。 6park.com

But if a gene editing technique is required, a scientist must understand that what is difficult is ensuring that the only the intended gene is modified and that it is modified as intended. One must also realize that modifying a gene for one purpose may actually cause other unexpected harm. For example, in the present case, modifying a gene in an attempt to reduce the risk that the girls will become infected with HIV may increase the risk that they will instead develop other infections.  6park.com


译文: 6park.com

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