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Biden’s Covid-19 Vaccine Mandate Is On Hold
送交者: 尼欧[★The-One★] 于 2021-11-18 15:15 已读 871 次  


回答: 多名权威科学家《柳叶刀》发文:疫苗已无法作为唯一防疫方法 由 尼欧 于 2021-11-18 15:07

A US appeals court has temporarily blocked President Joe Biden's plans for a vaccine mandate for businesses. 6park.com

The law would require workers at private companies with more than 100 employees to get fully vaccinated against Covid-19 or be tested weekly. 6park.com

But the court found "grave statutory and constitutional" issues with the rule, set to be introduced in January. 6park.com

It said it was suspending the mandate and gave the Biden administration until Monday to respond. 6park.com

Five Republican-led states - Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, South Carolina and Utah - as well as private companies and religious groups, had filed legal challenges against the mandate. 6park.com

They accused the president of overstepping his authority.
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