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送交者: 宝马哥[巡抚★★] 于 2019-04-07 19:28 已读 448 次  


谁都知道,疼了揉一揉能减轻疼痛。 6park.com

他们竟然说针灸无效? 6park.com

The conclusions of numerous trials and 
systematic reviews of acupuncture are largely inconsistent, which suggests that it is not effective.[11][14] An overview of Cochrane reviews found that acupuncture is not effective for a wide range of conditions.[14] A systematic review conducted by medical scientists at the Universities of Exeter and Plymouth found little evidence of acupuncture's effectiveness in treating pain.[11] Overall, the evidence suggests that short-term treatment with acupuncture does not produce long-term benefits.[15] Some research results suggest that acupuncture can alleviate some forms of pain, though the majority of research suggests that acupuncture's apparent effects are not caused by the treatment itself.[9] A systematic review concluded that the analgesic effect of acupuncture seemed to lack clinical relevance and could not be clearly distinguished from bias.[16] One meta-analysis found that acupuncture for chronic low back pain was cost-effective as an adjunct to standard care,[17] while a separate systematic review found insufficient evidence for the cost-effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of chronic low back pain.[18]
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