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送交者: 今日雨果[☆品衔R4☆] 于 2024-03-01 8:05 已读 33 次  


回答: ⚠️ 共产主义为什么失败? - 马克思故居重开之际专访迈尔教授 今日雨果 14-12-30 由 今日雨果 于 2024-03-01 7:57

⚠️Education is understanding how Billion of ordinary Chinese were convinced that it was required to 1948年中共长春围城(平民死亡30万)、现在中共围堵台湾。。。
Education is learning how to spot the signs of history repeating itself. ❗️
Pablo Picasso
( Guernica. 1937 )
Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid, Spain.
《Gilot & Picasso | 吉洛 & 毕加索》
Françoise Gilot 女士是这样回忆上个世纪40年代,当纳粹占领巴黎时’情景:
5:00 In 1941, that was German occupation …
5:50 you know our life was not worth a penny, …, …
6:20 In year 1943, Paris, … at that time, there were always some German officers not in uniform would come to see if there was no content in the show that would be against them, so most of what we did was to do it symbolically. For example, …, …,
7:10 dark, …, metaphor, … It was a very tragic time …
*/ Charlie Rose interviewed Françoise Gilot
Françoise Gilot, née le 26 novembre 1921 à Neuilly-sur-Seine (Seine) et morte le 6 juin 2023 à Manhattan (New York), est une artiste peintre et écrivaine française.


Victor Universel Labo - VUL - 飞鸥实验室
V1.000.2024-02-28, 1989-06-04.
Nice, Côte d’Azur, France
Image: Noam Chomsky 6park.com


Education is not memorizing that Hitler killed 6M Jews. .
Education is understanding how millions of ordinary Germans were convinced that it was required. .
Education is learning how to spot the signs of history repeating itself. .
—Noam Chomsky
Noam Chomsky,
1 public intellectual known for his work in linguistics, political activism, and social criticism, sometimes called "the father of modern linguistics"
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