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仙女和声之夜曲,Lacrimosa, 花守之丘,光之旋律
送交者: MintCandy[♀★★学渣糖小白★★♀] 于 2022-09-16 18:23 已读 27126 次 2 赞  


仙女们负责和声,我负责摆烂 :D 6park.com

夜曲nocturne Kalafina  和声: 葵酱 摆烂: 糖酱 居然在网上找不到歌词。。。 听众脑补一下意境吧。。。 总之就是旋律和和声都是我爱的。入坑kalafina最早也是因为听了葵酱的歌,二话不说就开始搭讪了:D 6park.com

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 泣Lacrimosa 这是一首虽说描述绝望,却激昂中带点黑暗气质的歌。Jolin说这是她对自己最满意的和声。Kalafina  和声: Jolin酱 摆烂: 糖酱 6park.com

make friends in the dark 暗闇の中で睦み合う 6park.com

despair and future 絶望と未来を 6park.com

The moonlight revealing sorrow 哀しみを暴く月灯り 6park.com

shined coldly 冷たく照らしてた

With the secret you gave me as a target 君のくれた秘密を標に 6park.com

go through the silence of the blue night 蒼い夜の静けさを行く

Lacrimosa Lacrimosa 6park.com

shattered into the distance and disappeared 遠く砕けて消えた 6park.com

I want to love the dazzling world again 眩しい世界をもう一度愛したい 6park.com

hide your dreams in your eyes 瞳の中に夢を隠して 6park.com

to a dirty mind 汚れた心に 6park.com

until tears fall 涙が堕ちて来るまで

The phantom carriage divides the darkness 幻の馬車は闇を分け 6park.com

towards the light 光のある方へ 6park.com

A trap called a dream traps us 夢という罠が僕たちを 6park.com

Invite to Homura 焔(ほむら)へ誘う

To the merciless gods above the sky 空の上の無慈悲な神々には 6park.com

No cry will reach you どんな叫びも届きはしない 6park.com

Lacrimosa... Lacrimosa...

We will become burning firewood 僕等は燃えさかる薪となり 6park.com

Let's burn up that sky someday いつかその空を焼き尽くそう

Lacrimosa Lacrimosa 6park.com

born here and fell ここに生まれて落ちた 6park.com

I want to love the bloody world without fear 血濡れた世界を恐れずに愛したい 6park.com

Believe in forgiveness rather than being forgiven 許されるより許し信じて 6park.com

on dirty ground 汚れた地上で 6park.com

counting the days of tears 涙の日々を数えて 6park.com

----------------------------------------------- 唱这首的时候应该是在感冒吧。一首明亮绚丽的歌被我唱出了凄凉阿梨卡仙女的一段哼唱很美~ 和声: Arika 摆烂:糖酱

丘を染めて白い花が 咲き誇る夏には 貴方といたこの日々を 思い出すでしょう

それはとても哀しいけど 綺麗な一時で 生きてるよろこびの 全てを知った

最後の光を惜しむように 暮れ行く大地が優しい声で 永遠を歌い出すまで 何も言わず散って行った

静かな花のように 迷いのない強さが 私にありますか それはとても小さなこと

例えばどんな時も 微笑み絶やさない 勇気を持てたら 貴方の記憶を胸の中で

誇れる私でいられるように 優しさを語りましょう 枯れない涙の海から 丘を染めた白い雪が

溶けて行く大地に 何度もまた花びらは 返り咲くでしょう 最後の光を惜しみながら

暮れ行く大地が優しい声で 哀しみを歌う時 よろこびの種を蒔く 永遠を語りましょう


In the summer, when the white flowers that dye the hill are in full bloom I will remember these days that I spent with you 6park.com

Although it is very sad During that beautiful moment I knew all about the joy of being alive 6park.com

To hold dear the last light until the waning earth starts singing eternity with a gentle voice 6park.com

Like the silent flower that scatters without saying a word is there an unhesitating strength in me? 6park.com

For example, that’s a very small thing but at any given time it won’t give up its smile for it possesses courage 6park.com

So that I can be proud of your memory within my heart I will speak of kindness from the sea of unwithering tears 6park.com

[Never leave me crying alone in the dark I'll be there to find you in silent pain only you are crying alone in the dark I'll be there to find you in silent pain] 6park.com

[Kiss me and believe me in love or pain no i'll never lose my whole love for you Kiss me and we'll find the way into the light The lights are here] 6park.com

The white snow which covered the hill Will melt away on the earth again and again petals will bloom 6park.com

While holding dear the last light, when the waning earth starts singing sadness with a gentle voice Sowing the seeds of happiness I will speak of eternity the future that you loved


---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 光の旋律 6park.com

这首是自己的和声了.和声控实在是享受和声的感觉,旋律上的和谐感经常让我感觉得到了升华~~~~~~~我当然不是说我自己的和声啊哈哈。自己和自己没有代表性的 6park.com

和声:糖酱 摆烂:还是糖酱 6park.com

the brightness of this sky この空の輝き 6park.com

does it reach your chest? 君の胸に届いてる? 6park.com

The melody I dreamed of is like silence 夢見てた調べは静けさのように 6park.com

Even if your hands are still far from a dream 君の手がまだ夢に遠くても 6park.com

remember your gentle voice 思い出してよ 優しい声を 6park.com

someone for you 誰かが君のため 6park.com

sang 歌った 6park.com

Happiness chord 幸福(しあわせ)の和音(コード) 6park.com

Empty sound, high beyond sorrow 空の音響け、高く哀しみを超えて 6park.com

Everything you see is the real world 君の目に映るものは全て本当の世界 6park.com

Even tears can't keep you here 涙さえ君をここに留めておけない 6park.com

Playing tomorrow in the pouring light 降り注ぐ光の中 明日を奏でて 6park.com

no one can really hear 本当は誰にも聞こえない 6park.com

that was the sound そんな音だった 6park.com

But it resounded brightly in everyone's heart でも誰の胸にも明るく響いてた 6park.com

Happiness is surely on the next slope 幸せはきっと次の坂道で 6park.com

I'll take you by surprise and give me a kiss 君の不意をついてキスをくれるよ 6park.com

Someday when those tears dry up いつかその涙が涸れる頃 6park.com

I can hear your chord 聞こえる君の和音(コード) 6park.com

It starts with the sound of drums 太鼓の音から始まるよ 6park.com

song of love song of love 6park.com

One of those songs that everyone knew 誰もが知っていたその歌に一つ 6park.com

Overlapping sky blue notes (overlapping) 空色の音符重ねて (重ねて) 6park.com

i was singing alone 一人で歌ってた 6park.com

When (I was singing alone) (一人で歌ってた) ときは 6park.com

I'm just a little lonely (when) 少しだけ寂しくて (とき) 6park.com

I've been calling you 君のことずっと呼んでいた 6park.com

Did you get it? 届いたんだよね? 6park.com

to you 君の元へ 6park.com

real pain ほんとうの痛みが 6park.com

when i touch your chest 君の胸に触れたとき 6park.com

The survey I dreamed of 夢見てた調べが 6park.com

Like silence... 静けさのように ... 6park.com

Empty sound, high beyond sorrow 空の音響け、高く哀しみを超えて 6park.com

living here now 今ここに生きてること 6park.com

Until the day we can laugh together 笑い合えるその日まで 6park.com

Neither kindness nor dreams can be kept here 優しさも夢もここに留めておけない 6park.com

Playing tomorrow in the vanishing light 消えて行く光の中 明日を奏でて 6park.com

Before long your hand will catch やがて君の手が掴む 6park.com

eternal truth 永久(とこしえ)の真実 6park.com

Because you think you can't beat me かなわないと思うから 6park.com

in a louder voice いっそ高らかな声で 6park.com

You named that song hope and cried その歌に君は希望と名付けて泣いた 6park.com

It will surely reach the heart of the dreamer 夢見る人の心に 確かに届くよ


最后分享一首Kalafina 现场感受一下现场和声的张力吧~すごい啊 6park.com


贴主:MintCandy于2022_09_16 19:57:42编辑
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