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【春天了印象 原创赞美诗】Beautiful Rainbow 泰坦尼克上的晨歌 Chuntianle
送交者: chuntianle[♀☆春天了印象☆♀] 于 2020-11-22 16:26 已读 2612 次 2 赞  


感恩节快乐! 6park.com

“Beautiful Rainbow” 爱可以跨越国界。我唱我写的歌,唱了4个调,都不完美。发现这首歌可以柔情似水的唱,其实还可以有力的柔情似水的唱 (New) 6park.com

This one is best cover song of urs  I don't know why but it's  make  me feel that we are listening ur song live in the hall of huge ship (like Titanic ) with  a lots of people ... C. Lofi (竟联想到了泰坦尼克) (New) 6park.com

天边的彩虹带来爱和希望!愿五颜六色的鲜花伴随着音乐开在春天的田野。让世界充满活力,清新而美好。不再灰暗,冷漠。美丽的爱和温暖的拥抱送给你-我亲爱的人......  6park.com

加油,我的朋友。 6park.com

水平有限。谢谢!  6park.com

***************************************************************************************** 6park.com

1. ALLA MIA DOLCE E DOLCISSIMA MIA AMICA DEL MIO CUORE grazie per il bel video e per la deliziosa e bella canzone e dolce musica con una voce dolcissima tuo giuseppe DALLA SICILIA TUO AMICO CARO (New) 2. Hi Chuntinale , What a beautiful song you have crafted here and with your heavenly singing it makes a wonderful Sunday morning song for jb (New) 3. 感谢您用意大利语撰写的文字!我们都需要彩虹 4. This one is best cover song of urs  I don't know why but it's  make  me feel that we are listening ur song live in the hall of huge ship (like Titanic ) with  a lots of people ...(竟联想到了泰坦尼克) Not gonna lie your voice is so beautiful you deserve so much love 5.This sounds so classic and cool

《美丽的彩虹》"Beautiful Rainbow” 作词/作曲/演唱/文字/制作 chuntianle Rainbow Song with Lyrics | Happy Thanksgiving Original Song Chuntianle 春天了 Original Song: Beautiful Rainbow  Music/Lyrics/Arrangement: Chuntianle  一道跨越国界的《美丽的彩虹》 【春天了印象 原创赞美诗】Beautiful Rainbow 泰坦尼克上的晨歌 Chuntianle Rainbow Song - To Cheer for you. (English)  By Chuntianle 春天了 ...... I am here,  To cheer for you. To be your rainbow. ...... Romantic, Classical, Inspirational, Heart Song, #原创歌曲 Self Composed Song, Self Composed Music, original song Love Song, Spring Song, spring 春天了印象派, impressionism, 4 seasons, 春天来了,春天 New Power Art  Copyright © 2020 chuntianle. All rights reserved.
贴主:chuntianle于2020_11_22 16:27:37编辑
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