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【影视剧主题】city of stars
送交者: 在哪儿都叫锅巴[★星空战斗兔★] 于 2020-06-23 16:02 已读 1275 次 3 赞  


最近唱的小歌 6park.com


Sebastian's Verse: Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone]

City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
There's so much that I can't see
Who knows?
I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you
That now our dreams
They've finally come true

[Mia's Verse: Emma Stone & Ryan Gosling]
City of stars
Just one thing everybody wants
There in the bars
And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants
It's love
Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else
A rush
A glance
A touch
A dance

[Duet: Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone]
A look in somebody's eyes
To light up the skies
To open the world and send it reeling
A voice that says, "I'll be here"
And "you'll be alright”

I don't care if I know
Just where I will go
'Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling
A rat-tat-tat on my heart

[Outro: Ryan Gosling & Emma Stone]
Think I want it to stay
City of stars
Are you shining just for me?
City of stars
You never shined so brightly

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